Revert or Readjust?
As a part of bigger project “Socio-ecological Transformation in Asia”, four Asian cities were picked as case studies. The objective was to comment on how land use and transport integration can be best achieved to influence travel behavior of people and create liveable and social cities. Various social, political, and smart city perspectives are also studied to create cities that supports social and economic development.
Client - Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Asia

This project aims to research on ways to improve the first and last mile connectivity to the public transport systems in two cities in Norway. The project is owned by Institute of Transport Economics, Oslo. As the ‘expert’ member on the team, we advise them on the theory, the method and expected results from the project.

Social sustainability of smart mobility
A detailed review of smart mobility services (like car-sharing and bike-sharing) was done on social sustainability indicators such as - being accessible to different social groups, safety and health impacts on urban citizens, cohesion and economic growth of the people, and more. This work was done in collaboration with Institute of Transport Economics , Oslo, Norway,

The project aims to spatially analyse the cyclability in four Norwegian cities using GIS and SMCA to calculate a BOD Index (Bicycle Oriented Development Index) for the urban network of the cities. The project will also make policy to improve cyclability. The project is owned by Institute of Transport Economics, Oslo and our services are used in designing the project’s methodology and in conducting analyses for part of the project.

Transport Equity and Women's safety in Cities
Among the many factors that affect equitable access to urban mobility, women’s safety has been long ignored. This work highlights that due to lack of safety in cities, women settle for less. Have the smart cities’ features like CCTVs made it better or has technology made it safer for women to navigate the cities? This work explores these and more questions. This work was done in collaboration with researchers based in Norway and UK.

Gendered Smart Mobility
Existing work on smart mobility is concentrated on assessing environmental impacts of smart mobility services. No attention has been paid to its social impacts. This work found that smart mobility services seem to have widened the gender gap in urban mobility systems, affecting the overall economic growth of cities.

Public Private Partnerships (PPP)
Various urban infrastructure projects were developed in India through innovative structuring of projects, on Public Private Partnership (PPP) format. Aim of PPP was to design technically feasible and economically viable urban projects. During my tenure at IL&FS IDC, I worked on projects such as foot-over bridges, multi-level car parks, city bus service, affordable housing, integrated townships, Special Economic Zone and many more.

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)
The research involved understanding the multi-dimensions of TOD and developing a methodology to spatially quantify and measure the abstract concept of TOD. The aim was to use this method to plan for TOD more efficiently at local, urban and regional scales. Case study of City Region Arnhem and Nijmegen was used. The method was developed entirely on GIS and SMCA and softwares such as ArcGIS, ILWIS and CommunityViz were used. The stakeholder participation at regional level was also an important and integral part of the work where Aldermen from 20 municipalities participated.

National Highways Development
Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Indian National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) launched a project in 2004 to initiate development of National Highways on PPP basis. I worked in a team at LEA Associates South Asia Ltd. worked on this project. About 10,000 km of National Highways were prioritized and their financial feasibility was analysed. Various social, financial, economic and traffic related indices were calculated for all links to aid in prioritization.

Project Financing
For the National Capital Region Planning Board (NCRPB) of India, I worked on providing project finance to over 60 basic infrastructure projects like water supply, sewerage systems, treatment plants, electric sub-stations and others.

Academic activities
Since 2013, I have given various lectures on TOD, gendered mobility, Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in urban infrastructure, Social sustainability of smart mobility and others. Have also guided PhD and MSc students in their research and examined Masters theses as an external juror.
Since 2021, I teach Geography to pre-university students at an international school in the Netherlands.

National Road Safety Policy
The World Bank and Indian Ministry of Road Transport and Highways launched a project to define Road Safety Policy at National, State and City Level in 2003. The objective was to prepare a National policy on road safety and action plans at state levels. I worked in a team at SNC- Lavlin Group and carried out the research on road accident statistics and road safety policies for India and abroad. We organised two national level workshops for exchange of ideas among various stakeholders, clients and consultants to the project.

Other research activities
As a way of giving back to academic community, I review for high quality international journals like Journal of Transport Geography, Journal of Modern Transportation, Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, and International Journal of Sustainable Development & Planning.